Chroma Collection

Chroma Collection: A Progressive Collection of 12 pieces for 2-part flex instruments and piano.

Diversify the Stand is partnering with the Chroma Collective to make the Chroma Collection! This collection will be available for all wind instruments, not just brass! This newest project will commission four composers to each write three new pieces for two-part flex and piano. These works will blend visual and performing arts in a variety of ways, creating beautiful works off of a multitude of art styles.

Like Winds of Change and reSounding Progess, these works will be progressive, and accessible for a wide range of playing levels! They’ll be great for student recitals, solo and ensembles, competitions, and playing with friends of all instrument types!

Funds will directly support the commissions for 12 new flex-ensemble works and the creation of the physical and digital books that will be available in five keys: C, Bb, Eb, F, and C bass clef.


Fall 2024: Fundraising

November 2024: Announcing our mystery composers!

April 2025: Playtesting begins (if you’re interested in being a playtester, please contact us!)

June 2025: Pieces are finalized and engraving, proofreading, and printing begins

August 2025: The Chroma Collection is sent to all sponsors

September 1, 2025: The Chroma Collection launches to the public!

Sponsor Perks

Platinum Sponsor ($1,000+)

  • Receive a physical copy of the Chroma Collection, in the key of your choosing (both parts + piano)

  • Receive digital copies of the Chroma Collection in ALL KEYS (both parts + piano)

  • Receive a handwritten thank you note from a member of the team, mailed with a Diversify the Stand sticker, Chroma Collective sticker, and DtS tote bag

  • Your name will be included in all newsletters and social media posts promoting our sponsors

  • Be included in the list of sponsors in the book

Gold Sponsor ($200+)

  • Receive a physical and digital copy of the Chroma Collection, in the key of your choosing (both parts + piano)

  • Receive a handwritten thank you note from a member of the team, mailed with DtS and Chroma Collective stickers

  • Your name will be included in all newsletters and social media posts promoting our sponsors

  • Be included in the list of sponsors in the book

Silver Sponsor ($100+)

  • Receive a digital copy of the Chroma Collection in ALL KEYS (both parts + piano)

  • Receive a handwritten thank you note from a member of the team, mailed with DtS and Chroma Collective stickers

  • Your name will be included in all newsletters and social media posts promoting our sponsors

  • Be included in the list of sponsors in the book

Bronze Sponsor (<$100)

  • Receive a handwritten thank you note from a member of the team, mailed with DtS and Chroma Collective stickers

  • Your name will be included in all newsletters and social media posts promoting our sponsors

  • Be included in the list of sponsors in the book

Current Sponsors

(as of October 14, 2024)

Platinum Sponsor

Diversify the Stand (matching The Puffin Foundation donation)
Tom and Denise Hedlund
The Puffin Foundation

Gold Sponsor

Ben Bruflat
Elizabeth McDaniel
Mary Thornton

Silver Sponsor

Ken Caldeira
Chris Combest
Tiago Forin
Adam Frey
Marcus Grant
Theresa May
Matthew Onstad
Chloe Swinder, Trumpet Fundamentals
Robert Tung
Stephen Wadsack
Kelly Watkins

Bronze Sponsor

Mark Babbitt
Riley Bahin
Cynthia Carrell
Allen Crump
Clayton Heath
Niloufar Nourbakhsh