Educational Resources to diversify your shelf
I’m Possible: A Story of Survival, a Tuba, and the Small Miracle of a Big Dream, by Richard Antoine White
It’s Our Music Too: The Black Experience in Classical Music, by Earl Ofari Hutchinson
Swing Shift, by Sherrie Tucker
Teaching Healthy Musicianship: The Music Educator’s Guide to Injury Prevention and Wellness, by Nancy Taylor
The Music Teacher's First Year: Tales of Challenge, Joy and Triumph, by Elizabeth Peterson
Thinking Outside the Voice Box: Adolescent Voice Change in Music Education, by Bridget Sweet
Unsung: A History of Women in American Music, by Christine Ammer
Women in Wind Band, by Erin Keeton-Howard and Meghan Wagner
“Confronting Racism and Sexism in American Music Theory,” by Phil Ewell *6 blog posts
Here’s Your List: Recommended Resources for Folks Starting Out, by Eris DeJarnett
“How to be a Good Ally and Create Safer Spaces in New Music,” by Alejandro T. Acierto, Meerenai Shim, Matthew Evan Taylor, Alex Temple and Joel Zigman
“Programming for Justice,” by Dave Molk
“Promoting Equity: Developing An Antiracist Music Theory Classroom,” by Dave Molk and Michelle Ohnona
“Q & A: Marlon Daniel on the Chevalier de Saint-Georges & Systemic Racism in Classical Music,” by David Salazar
Songs with a Questionable Past, compiled by Lauren McDougle
The Guide to Allyship, by Amélie Lamont
“The Institute for Composer Diversity: White Leadership, DEI Initiatives, and Ethical Advocacy,” by John Hong
“The Last Water Fountain: The Struggle Against Systemic Racism in Classical Music,” by Mark MacNamara
“The music world’s awakening to women and Black composers will be game-changing,” by Peter Dobrin
“What if Instead of Calling People Out, We Called Them In?” by Jessica Bennett with Professor Loretta J. Ross
“What the Optics of New Music Say to Black Composers,” by Anthony R. Green
“Why Is American Classical Music So White?” by Joseph Horowitz
Bold as Brass, hosted by Melissa Brown
Coloring the Melody, hosted by Darlene and Nora
Music & Mindset, hosted by Gala Flagello and Danielle Gonzalez
HERstory, hosted by Casidy Reed
Scholarships for Women in Music, compiled by DtS Social Media Manager, Hannah Combs
Know of a resource not listed here? Please send us an email!
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